WU Mardan Jobs 2023 Women University Mardan

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WU Mardan Jobs 2023 Women University Mardan

WU Mardan Jobs 2023: Here, you will read the information on Women University Mardan. We received Women’s University job notification from www.wumardan.edu.pk and Daily Mashriq, Aaj newspaper.

WU Mardan Jobs 2023 Details:

Jobs LocationMardan, KPK
Published Date02-September-2023
Job TypeGovt Jobs
Last Date13-September-2023

Vacancies List: آسامیوں کے نام

  • Lecturer | Psychology Lecturer | Urdu Lecturer | Zoology Lecturer | Botany Lecturer | Physics Lecturer | English Lecturer | Management Science Lecturer | Political Science Lecturer | Computer Science Lecturer | Mathematics Lecturer | Islamic Studies Lecturer | Human Nutrition Dietetics Lecturer

Qualification: تعلیم

  • Ph.d

ثواب کے نیت سے اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ لازمی شئیر کریں۔

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WU Mardan Jobs September 2023 Women University Mardan

اگرآپکو روزنہ فری میں جابزکی وٹس ایپ الرٹ چاہیے تو گروپ جوائن کریں۔ نیچھے گروپ جوائن کریں۔

How to Apply for WU Mardan Jobs 2023? آپلائی کرنے کا طریقہ

  1. Candidates can forward applications online via To send an online application – Click Here.
  2. Only Online Applications shall be considered.
  3. The Application Processing Fee (non-refundable) is mandatory.
  4. The Hard Copy of the Online Application Form with verified copies of supporting documents and bank draft should be submitted to the Registrar Office, Women University Mardan, East Canal Road, Mardan.
  5. Applications that are incomplete or received late will not be considered.
  6. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a test/interview.
  7. TA/DA will not be permitted for the test/interview.
  8. The closing date of availability for this job is 13 September 2023.

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