Public Sector Department KPK Jobs 2023 Apply Online

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Public Sector Department KPK Jobs 2023 Apply Online

Public Sector Department KPK Jobs 2023: On this page, we posted data in regard to the new Public Sector Department KPK Jobs 2023. Every one of the commercials declared in the various papers as Public Sector Organization KPK Jobs 2023 is portrayed here.

Vacancies List: آسامیوں کے نام

  • Clinical Technologist | Phc Technologist | Mp Technologist | Mch Technologist | Pathology Technologist | Radiology Technologist | Surgical Technologist | Dialysis Technologist | Primary Healthcare Technologist | Cardiology Technologist | Anesthesia Technologist | Multi Purpose Technologist | English Teacher

Qualification: تعلیم

  • Master
  • MA | BS

اگرآپکو روزنہ فری میں جابزکی وٹس ایپ الرٹ چاہیے تو گروپ جوائن کریں۔ نیچھے گروپ جوائن کریں۔

How to Apply for Public Sector Department KPK Jobs 2023? آپلائی کرنے کا طریقہ

  1. Interested candidates may first visit and apply for the posts online.
  2. After successful submission of online application, a prescribed HBL online deposit slip will be generated.
  3. Take a printout of the generated HBL deposit slip & deposit Rs. 1000/- as test fee(non-refundable) in any branch of HBL Bank or at Easy paisa/Jazz Cash agent on that prescribed printed deposit slip of HBL.
  4. After online apply, take print of application form and send it to “P.O. BOX No.239 Peshawar Cantt.
  5. Applicants are advised to submit their applications forms with in the 15 days from the publication of the advertisement.
  6. Candidates will be informed through SMS/E-mail by HTS to download and Print their Roll No. Slips from
  7. Candidates must provide correct information.
  8. In case, if SMS/E-mail is not received for test, the candidate can contact on 091-5606215 for further query.
  9. Candidates are directed not to provide ported/converted mobile number.
  10. Test Date, Time & Venue will be mentioned on Roll No. Slip.
  11. No separate Call Letter will be issued to candidates for screening test through postal/courier means.
  13. Please keep your documents and passport size scanned picture (Soft copy) with you at the time of online application.
  14. Read the instructions thoroughly before filling the online application form.
  15. HTS shall verify deposited fee at any stage. If payment is not verified, candidature shall be rejected. Unclaimed qualification will not be accepted.
  16. Applications of all those candidates who do not give correct information while filling the online
  17. application form, will not be rejected only, but would be proceeded against as per Government Law/Policy and strict action will be taken against them.
  18. Address: PO BOX No.239 Peshawar Cantt.
  19. The deadline to submit the form is available in the advertisement.
  20. Applicants who are interested in more than one position should submit separate applications.
  21. The form should be filled out carefully and upload scanned copies of all supporting documents.
  22. The closing date of availability of the Online Application Form is 08th September 2023.

ثواب کے نیت سے اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ لازمی شئیر کریں۔

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Public Sector Department KPK Jobs September 2023
Public Sector Department KPK Jobs September 2023

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